TFS 2008 Remove Alerts
Today I had the need to remove alerts for a user no longer on the project. It is easy to edit build alerts/notifications using Team Explorer or the TFS Power Tools. But, I could not find a way to remove Work Item alerts for a user. Maybe I was missing something simple, but I like to think I wasn’t. Plus, with the user being a contractor, the email address that was used was not in exchange or tied to the domain account. After some digging around, I found where TFS stores alert subscriptions in the database and simply deleted the rows. I found them at
So far, this appears to work. I anyone has a better/cleaner way, I would love to hear about it.
Thanks, I've used SQL:
Delete [TfsIntegration].[dbo].[tbl_subscription]
WHERE [address] like 'UseremailAddress'
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